International conventions; texts:
- Pecuniary Claims Convention between the United States and other Powers
(extending the duration of the Treaty for the Arbitration of Pecuniary
Claims signed at Mexico on January 30, 1902) signed at Rio de Janeiro,
August 13, 1906
(Document 1705)
- Convention between the United States and other Powers establishing the
Status of Naturalized Citizens who again take up their residence in the
country of their origin; signed at Rio de Janeiro, August 13, 1906 (Document 1706)
- Convention between the United States and other Powers for the Unification
of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Assistance and Salvage at Sea;
signed at Brussels, September 23, 1910
(Document 1707)
- Convention and Final Protocol between the United States and other Powers
for the Protection of Industrial Property (replacing the Paris Convention
and Final Protocol of March 20, 1883, the Protocol of Madrid of April 15,
1891, and the Additional Act signed at Brussels on December 14, 1900) signed
at Washington, June 2, 1911
(Document 1708)
- Radiotelegraph Convention between the United States and other Powers;
Final Protocol; Service Regulations and Supplements thereto; signed at
London, July 5, 1912
(Document 1709)