- Inaugural address of the President, Yuan Shih K’ai
(Document 76a)
- Political affairs: organization of the National Assembly; recognition of
the Republic of China by the United States and other powers; inauguration of
President Yuan Shih K’ai; uprising in southern provinces suppressed;
expulsion by presidential decree of Nationalist members of the Assembly;
formation by the President of a Political Council
(Documents 77–137)
- Loan negotiations: withdrawal of the United
States group of bankers from the sextuple consortium; conclusion of a
reorganization-loan agreement between China and the quintuple group;
currency-reform and Manchurian-industrial loan; student loans; miscellaneous
loans (Documents 138–202)
- Currency-Reform and Manchurian-Industrial loan
(Documents 203–206)
- Chinohua College loans (Documents 207–210)
- Carnegie Student loan
- Miscellaneous loans
- Indemnity payments
(Document 211)
- Claims of American citizens against China
(Documents 212–224)
- Second International Opium Conference; report of the American
(Documents 225–230)