File No. 033.3211/51.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 190.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that President Marshal Hermes da Fonseca expressed to me last evening his warm personal gratification [Page 70] and the thanks of the Brazilian Government for the cordial reception which Dr. Lauro Müller, Brazilian Minister for Foreign Affairs, has received in the United States. The President told me that the reception, which had far exceeded his expectations, had produced an admirable effect in Brazil, where henceforth American approximation would be more popular than it had been at any time since the visit of Mr. Root to Brazil seven years ago.

President Wilson will already have received before this despatch is written the telegram of thanks which President Hermes sent him on the 15th instant, and the Senate and the House of Representatives will also have received the telegrams which were sent them by the Brazilian Senate and Chamber of Deputies. In the last connection I have the honor to enclose in translation a copy of the speech which Representative Coelho delivered in the Chamber of Deputies on the 13th inst. in support of the motion:

We move that, through its President, the Chamber shall demonstrate by cablegram, to the American Congress, the gratitude of the people of Brazil for the very warm reception given to Dr. Lauro Müller, Brazilian Ambassador on a mission of friendship.

as well as a copy of the remarks with which Senator Fernando Mendes de Almeida prefaced his motion in the Senate that that body should express its gratification to the American Senate by means of a telegram for the cordiality of the reception which had been accorded Dr. Lauro Müller.

I have [etc.]

Edwin V. Morgan.
[Inclosure 1—Translation.]

Speech of Senator Fernando Mendes de Almeida.

Mr. President: The Senate has information regarding the sincere manifestations of consideration and esteem with which Dr. Lauro Müller has been welcomed in the United States, these manifestations coming not alone from the President and the official world but also from the great North American people, who together celebrate the visit as a proof of the friendship of Brazil and of the sentimental ties that unite the two countries in a bond of fraternity and peace.

Our Foreign Minister is not only a messenger carrying the goodwill and national sentiment of Brazil; he represents also the high ideals of all Southern America in their efforts towards guaranteeing peace and a general fraternization amongst the nations of this continent.

The Senate, therefore, cannot remain unmoved before such demonstrations of respect, goodwill and esteem, and for this reason the Constitutional and Diplomatic Commission of this Senate, through my medium, solicits from the Senate a solemn manifestation to this effect, by means of a telegram of congratulation and gratitude to the Senate of the great American Nation.

[Inclosure 2—Translation.]

Speech of Representative Coelho Netto.

The kindly attitude of the noble American people imposes on us the courtesy of a motion which I am going to present, in the name of the Diplomatic Commission of this Chamber.

We are living in a hostile age. Men seek to crush one another as enemies; nations arm themselves, suspicious of attack; the clouds that darken the horizon are heavy with the smoke of battles. Thus the generosity of the American nation is enhanced, contrasting with the warlike aspect of the Old World under arms.

[Page 71]

While war troubles the west, America festively receives the ambassador of peace. It was a happy choice that the Government made when naming our Foreign Secretary for this mission.

Dr. Lauro Müller is, amongst the politicians of the Republic, one of the most worthy of consideration. While yet a young man he appeared as a fighter on that glorious morning of November, and since that date he has never shirked the responsibilities of the great destiny of his country. He represented his State in both houses of the National Congress and has continually proved to his fellow-citizens his worth as an active worker and honest official. As Secretary of Ways and Communications he was one of the great improvers of the city of Rio de Janeiro; he rid it of its colonial deformities and worked actively towards its sanitation. He was called to take the place of great Rio Branco and has maintained with success the post occupied by the hero of our national integrity.

A statesman, possessing purity of character and undoubted patriotism, Dr. Lauro Müller is the right man in the right place as the Ambassador of Brazil and under the flag of his country, gloriously waving beneath the skies of America, he worthily represents our ideals. The homage which is being done him by America and Americans represents commendation of our policy of peace and fraternity.