- Inauguration of President Menocal; participation in the ceremonies of a
Special Mission representing the President of the United States (Documents 256–262)
- Proposal of France, Germany, and Great Britain to arbitrate with Cuba
certain insurrectionary claims of their nationals arising prior to 1898
(Documents 263–273)
- Naval station at Guantánamo
(Documents 274–277)
- Cuban amnesty bill; attitude of the United States (Documents 278–305)
- Zapata Swamp concession
(Documents 306–310)
- Concession for the construction of a bridge across the entrance to the
port of Habana; attitude of the United States (Documents 311–331)
- Caibarien-Nuevitas railroad project; attitude of the United States (Documents 332–365)
- Scurrilous and libelous newspaper attacks on the American Minister and the
Secretary of Legation at Habana; immunity of congressmen from prosecution
for crime; attitude of the United States (Documents 366–380)
- Participation of a Cuban delegation in the dedication of the National
Maine Monument in New York City (Documents 381–385)