File No. 837.911/16.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 619.]

Sir: Referring to my telegrams of February 6 (1 p.m. and 2 p.m.) in regard to abusive articles concerning the Legation published in the newspaper “Cuba,” I have the honor to transmit herewith enclosed copies and translations of the two articles in question.1 Judging from the tenor of the articles already published, it is to be presumed that they will be followed by others of a similar nature.

The Department is in possession of the facts concerning past offenses of this newspaper in its attacks upon Mr. Gibson last August and upon the President at a later date. I therefore deem it superfluous to enter into a discussion of the matter, but venture to confirm my earnest recommendation already made that I be authorized to present a formal request to the Cuban Government that action be taken against this newspaper for criminal libel.

I have [etc.]

A. M. Beaupré.
  1. Not printed.