File No. 837.77/94.
The Secretary of State to the American Minister.
Washington, February 8, 1913.
Sir: I enclose a copy of a note from the British Ambassador at this capital with which he forwards to the Department a copy of a petition addressed by the Cuban Central Railway to the President Cuba requesting that the concession recently granted to the North Coast Railway Company should be canceled and that it might be granted to the petitioners.
Mr. Bryce states that His Britannic Majesty’s Minister at Habana has been instructed to support strongly this petition, and he asks at this Government will exert its influence with the Cuban Government to secure to the petitioners the justice which they believe their case requires.
You will again bring the matter to the attention of the Cuban Foreign Office and point out that the positive and seemingly well-defined attitude assumed by Great Britain in this matter appears to require that the questions involved receive the most serious consideration by the Cuban Government.
I am [etc.]