File No. 816.001Ar1/13.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 285.]

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 283 of the 11th instant, forwarding a copy of a note [etc.] I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of a note from the Foreign Office, dated yesterday, thanking me for my before-mentioned note and requesting that I convey to the Government of the United States, and especially to the Secretary of State, the profound feelings of gratitude with which the Government of Salvador has received these manifestations of sympathy and grief on account of the irreparable loss which Salvador has suffered and which has so deeply afflicted this country.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Heimke.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Minister.

Mr. Minister: It is highly pleasing to me to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s courteous communication dated the 11th instant, in which you kindly informed this Government that you have received a cablegram from his excellency the Secretary of State dated at Washington, D. O., the 10th instant, directing you to express to my Government the grief with which the Government of the United States has received the sad news of the death of the President, Doctor Manuel Enrique Araújo, and to offer in this hour of national sorrow the condolences of the Government and particularly those of his excellency Mr. Philander C. Knox, Secretary of State.

In reply, I have the honor to request your excellency to have the kindness to transmit to your illustrious Government and especially to his excellency the Secretary of State, the profound feeling of gratitude with which my Government receives these demonstrations of sympathy and grief on account of the irreparable loss which Salvador has suffered, and which has deeply afflicted us.

I assure [etc.]

R. Arrieta Rossi.