File No. 816.001Ar1/4.
The Secretary of State to the Minister of Salvador.
Washington, February 15, 1913.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 12th instant by which you communicate to me officially the sad information of the death at San Salvador at 4.30 p.m., on Sunday, the 9th of February, 1913, of His Excellency Dr. Manuel E. Araújo, President of Salvador, and apprise me at the same time that Don Carlos Meléndez, First Designado for the Presidency, has assumed the Executive Power of the Republic.
The President, deeply grieved to learn from the American Minister at San Salvador of the death of the late President of Salvador, at once, on the 10th instant, conveyed by telegraph to Mr. Meléndez the expression of the sincere sympathy of this Government and the citizens of the United States, which the American Minister at San Salvador was by me instructed on the same day to supplement with an expression to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of my own condolence and sympathy.
To this I beg to add the assurance to you of the President’s and my unqualified abhorrence of the dastardly crime perpetrated upon the person of the late President Araújo.
Accept [etc.]