File No. 312.52/03.

The Spanish Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the Government of His Majesty the King of Spain—to which I did not fail to report your excellency’s benevolent attitude declared in the note which the Honorable John B. Moore, Counselor of the Department, was pleased to write me under this day’s date and by which he informs me that the Department of State had telegraphed to the American Consul at Chihuahua to have a talk with Villa and protest against his carrying out the threats uttered against Spanish [Page 906] residents in the State of Chihuahua, of which I had the honor to apprise the Department under date of yesterday, and also informs me of the Washington Cabinet’s purpose to spare no effort in affording protection to my fellow countrymen victims of the Mexican revolutionists—instructs me to lay before your excellency the expression of its heartfelt thanks for the attitude of the Government of the United States, which it highly appreciates.

At the same time it directs me to suggest to your excellency the expediency of issuing to the other consuls of the United States in territory occupied by the revolutionists instructions similar to those sent to the Consul at Chihuahua, in anticipation of a recurrence of what occurred in Chihuahua.

With renewed thanks [etc.]

Juan Riaño.