File No. 312.52/56.

The Secretary of War to the Secretary of State.


Following from General Scott, El Paso:

I have been informed by prominent members Spanish colony, Chihuahua, who have just arrived in El Paso, that the British Consul, Chihuahua, who is looking after the lives and interests of some four hundred Spaniards that place on account of absence Spanish Consul, has notified these Spaniards that Villa has given them ten days to leave the country or they will be executed at the end of that time. They claim that if forced to leave Chihuahua their property will surely be looted. Efforts of consuls to prevent this have been without result. They state that if efforts by this Government are not promptly taken serious crimes will be committed and immense property losses. They further state that an armed force of Villa’s soldiers forcibly entered British Consulate and took Luis Terrazas Jr. therefrom, despite protests of British Consul who had granted Terrazas asylum. Reported Terrazas was taken to penitentiary where he is being held for ransom of two hundred fifty thousand pesos. Information furnishing foreign information request same forwarded Washington.

Lindley M. Garrison.