File No. 812:00/7578.
The Governor of Texas to the Secretary of State.
Austin, May 19, 1913.
Dear Sir: Your letter of May 13 by Counselor J. B. Moore, in reply to mine of the 7th of April in which I enclosed a report of Sergeant M. W. Hines of the Banger Force, regarding the violation of the neutrality laws of the United States at Eagle Pass, is received.
I note what is said in the letter quoted from the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury with reference to the conferences held between [Page 880] the agents of the departments and the conclusions which they have reached.
I felt it to be my duty to call attention to the report made to me by one of our officers. The departments of the Federal Government have assumed the position that the State of Texas has no jurisdiction over the enforcement of the neutrality laws, and I think their position is correct and have instructed the officers of this State accordingly. Notwithstanding the request made of me by President Taft to aid him in enforcing the neutrality laws, I have asked the State officials to desist in their efforts to do so until further request by the head of the present administration. There is absolutely no doubt, however, in my opinion about the daily violation of the neutrality jaws, both by the friends of the Constitutionalists and Huerta’s followers.
Yours truly,