National Security Policy
91. Letter From Senator Symington to Eisenhower
Source: Question of a missile gap. Top Secret. 6 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Administration Series.
92. Memorandum From Lay to Gray
Source: Analysis of draft implementing instructions on use of nuclear weapons. Top Secret. 5 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Records of the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, NSC Series, Briefing Notes.
93. Memorandum for Record of Meeting Between Eisenhower and Gray
Source: Expenditure of nuclear weapons; NSC structure; Taiwan Straits. Top Secret. 6 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Project Clean Up.
94. Memorandum of Discussion at the 379th NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 2: Status of National Security Programs on June 30, 1958: The Internal Security Program (NSC 5819). Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—6 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
95. Paper for Presentation to the NSC
Source: U.S. internal security program. Secret. 8 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
96. Memorandum for the Record
Source: State position on NSC 5410/1. Top Secret. 3 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/P–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1, NSC 5410 Series.
97. Briefing Note for 380th NSC Meeting
Source: Mobilization and civil defense programs (NSC 5819). Secret. 1 p. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
98. Memorandum of Discussion at 380th NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 2: Status of National Security Programs on June 30, 1958: The Mobilization Program and the Civil Defense Program. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—4 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
99. Memorandum of Discussion at the 381st NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Shipments Entering the United States Under Diplomatic Immunity. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—4 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records. Drafted on October 3.
100. Memorandum From Lay to All Holders of NSC 5819
Source: Transmits Part 1 of NSC 5819 and Annex A. Top Secret; Restricted Data; Special Limited Distribution; Noforn. Extracts—11 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/S Files: Lot 71 D 171, NSC 5819.
101. Memorandum From Briber to Killian
Source: Kistiakowsky’s views on NIE entitled “Soviet Capabilities in Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles.” Top Secret. 1 p. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Additional Records of the Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology.
102. Memorandum of Discussion at the 382d NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Evaluation of Offensive and Defensive Weapons Systems. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—4 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
103. Record of Actions by the NSC
Source: NSC Actions No. 1994 and 1995 taken at the 382d (Special) NSC meeting. Top Secret. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/S–NSC (Miscellaneous) Files: Lot 66 D 95, Records of Action by the National Security Council.
104. Memorandum of Discussion at the 383d NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Status of the National Security Programs: The Atomic Energy Program. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—4 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
105. Memorandum Prepared by the Office of the President’s Special Assistant for Science and Technology
Source: Selected issues in the FY ’60 Defense budget (As of November 1, 1958). Top Secret. 21 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Project Clean Up, Offensive and Defensive Weapons.
106. Memorandum From Gleason to the NSC Planning Board
Source: Encloses alternative policy statements on NSC 5410/1. Top Secret. 7 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/P–NSC Files: Lot 62 D 1.
107. Memorandum of Discussion at the 385th NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Comparative Evaluation Group. Top Secret; Eyes Only. 3 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
108. Memorandum From Murphy (G), Reinhardt (C), and Smith (S/P) to John Foster Dulles
Source: Suggestions for conversation with McElroy on Department of Defense budget. Top Secret. 1 p. NARA, RG 59, Central Files, 611.00/11–858.
109. Memorandum of Conversation between the President and Gray
Source: Nuclear targeting. Top Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Project Clean Up, Meetings With the President. Drafted on November 22.
110. Memorandum of Conference with the President, and Department of Defense and NSC Leaders.
Source: Department of Defense budget issues. No classification marking. 10 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Diary Series.
111. Memorandum From Smith (S/P) to John Foster Dulles
Source: Defense budget; includes three transmittal notes. Secret. 5 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/S–NSC Files, Lot 63 D 351.
112. Memorandum of Conversation Between Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles
Source: Mutual Security Program funding. Secret; Personal and Private. Extracts—4 pp. Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, Meetings with the President.
113. Memorandum for the Record
Source: White House meeting on Department of Defense budget. Top Secret; Hold Closely. 5 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DDE Diaries. Drafted on December 4.
114. Memorandum of Conference with the President
Source: Department of Defense budget; detection of underground testing. Secret. 3 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Project Clean Up. Drafted on December 9.
115. Memorandum From Stans to Persons
Source: Record of December 3 meeting among President, Treasury Secretary Anderson, Persons, and Stans on Department of Defense budget. No classification marking. 1 p. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, DDE Diaries.
116. Memorandum of Discussion at the 390th NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Measures To Carry Out the Concept of Shelter. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—5 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
117. Memorandum From Gray to Morse (AEC)
Source: Returns Morse’s preview of December 6 NSC meeting on defense budget. Top Secret. 3 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Projects Clean Up.
118. Briefing Note for the 391st NSC Meeting
Source: Military mobilization base, July 1, 1961; fallout shelters; Top Secret; Confidential attachment. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File.
119. Memorandum of Discussion at the 391st NSC Meeting
Source: Agenda item 1: Status of Military Mobilization Base; Agenda item 2: Fallout Shelters in Existing Federal Buildings. Top Secret; Eyes Only. Extracts—6 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.
120. Presentation by McGuire Before the NSC
Source: Status of the mobilization base, July 1, 1961. Top Secret. 18 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File.