File No. 812.00/6553.
The Secretary of State to the Vice Consul at Nogales.
Washington, March 13, 1913.
The following telegram has been received from José M. Maytorena at Tucson, Arizona, who signs himself Constitutional Governor of Sonora:
[Quotes telegram of March 7, printed ante.]
[Page 777]If there is a suitable opportunity you may orally say to Maytorena that you know the views of the Secretary of State to be as follows:
The Government of the United States is deeply interested in the restoration of peace so that law may be enforced, order preserved and the rights of Americans protected. Disagreements generally arise from misunderstandings or conflicting interests and therefore it would be wise to remove misunderstandings by conferences whenever possible and to reconcile conflicting interests by mutual concessions.
Consuls may exercise such influence as may properly be employed without any interference on our part in the affairs of our sister Republic, to bring about cooperation between the State and the Central administrations on a basis of justice to all.