File No. 882.51/494A.

The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.


Referring to your several reports as to recent disturbances at different points in Liberia and to the recent visit of the German cruiser Panther, the result of exaggerated accounts from the German press, it would seem that the German Government is rightfully entitled to ask indemnity from the Liberian Government for the destruction of German property at Brewerville and possibly other points. The German Ambassador informs me that upon the demand of his Government [Page 666] in this regard the Liberian Government at first promised to satisfy the claims of German merchants interested at once but has now changed its position and insists that the question must be left to the decision of the Liberian courts. In reply I informed the Ambassador I had every confidence that the judicial decision would be an equitable one, but you will discreetly bring to the knowledge of the proper officials the sympathetic interest this Government takes in the satisfactory settlement of this question. * * *
