File No. 711.743/17.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Bucharest, February 26, 1913.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt today of your instruction No. 84, of the 12th instant, in regard to the effect of the “Capitulations” on American philanthropic and education institutions in Bulgaria, and to note with much satisfaction your authorization to bring to the knowledge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Sofia the fact that the United States Government stands ready to facilitate the negotiations in which the Bulgarian Government is engaged by assenting in advance to the relinquishment of such rights as it now enjoys in this respect, at such time as the Powers signatory to the Treaty of Berlin shall have consented to the discontinuance of the capitulatory regime. On the occasion of my next visit to Sofia I shall take occasion to seek from the Bulgarian Government an assurance [Page 78] of its readiness to accord to the United States the most extensive and liberal application of the principle of most-favored-nation treatment to all American interests.
I have [etc.]