File No. 874.0432/2.

The Acting Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.

No. 95. Bulgaria.]

Sir: The Department acknowledges the receipt of your No. 306, Bulgarian Series, of the 11th instant, forwarding at the request of the Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs three documents which the Bulgarian authorities at Sofia desire to have sent to and signed by Ieromonach Grigori and Evangelie Pop Stefanoff, both residing at 258 Franklin Street, Steelton, Pennsylvania.

An examination of the documents show them to be summonses to appear before a Bulgarian court to answer to suits brought against the persons mentioned.

The three papers are returned herewith in order that you may transmit them to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria with the following statement:

There is no provision made by the statutes of the United States whereby service of summons or other process of a foreign court can be effected on a resident of the United States, and that you are therefore constrained to return the papers to him.

I am [etc.]

J. B. Moore.