File No. 311.651T15/28.

The Italian Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 481.]

Mr. Secretary of State: By Iris note of the 1st of March ultimo your excellency’s predecessor, Mr. Knox, advised me that he was not at that time persuaded that the demand of an indemnity from the Government of the United States, formulated by the Royal Embassy on account of the lynching of Angelo Albano, an Italian subject, in Tampa, Florida, on the 20th of September, 1910, could be acquiesced in.

As the reasons, for this intimation were not stated, my Government has ordered me to bring this pending question, already long protracted, to the kind attention of your excellency, feeling certain that you will give to it the solution required by the principles of equity and in conformity with the precedents already followed, according to the requirements of international law.

I therefore have the honor to refer the foregoing to your excellency, and should be thankful if you would be kind enough to inform me as early as possible what determination you have considered advisable to take in respect to it.

Please accept [etc.]
