File No. 838.001 Or 3.
The Secretary of State to the American Minister.
No. 384.]
Department of State,
Washington, June 18, 1913.
Washington, June 18, 1913.
Sir: I inclose, with office copy, a letter addressed by the President to His Excellency Michel Oreste,1 acknowledging His Excellency’s letter of May 6 last in which he announced his election, on the 4th of the same month, to the Presidency of the Republic of Haiti and his entrance upon the duties of that office.
You will forward the copy to the Foreign Office and deliver the original in the manner most agreeable to His Excellency.
I am [etc.]
For the Secretary of State:
J. B. Moore.
- Continued from For. Rel. 1912, p. 523 et seq.↩