File No. 731.51/50.


No. 142.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith copies and translations of a note received by me from the Minister of Foreign Affairs on February 13, 1913.

I have [etc.]

Jefferson Caffery.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Chargé d’Affaires.

Sir: With the signing by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the Protocol of renewal of relations between France and Venezuela, it is incumbent upon me to express my most hearty thanks for the collaboration of your Legation in the attainment of this end, in its capacity in charge of French interests, and it gives me honor to extend my thanks also to the Government of the United States which seconded your efforts with such efficacy.

With the request that your honor communicate these expressions to your Government, it gives me pleasure to renew [etc.]

J. L. Andara.