File No. 822.124/279.

The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.

No. 69.]

Sir: The Department encloses herewith, in duplicate, a letter dated March 18, 1913, addressed to the President of the Republic of Ecuador by Colonel W. C Gorgas, U. S. Army, enclosing accounts in detail covering the expenditure of certain funds furnished by the Ecuadorean Government for the purpose of making sanitary surveys at the port of Guayaquil. The accounts referred to by Colonel Gorgas in this letter are also transmitted herewith in duplicate, together with his check No. AA 678524 on El Banco Comercial y Agrícola, Guayaquil, for the unexpended balance of S/9298.90 in favor of the Treasurer General of the Republic of Ecuador.

You are directed to present these accounts and Colonel Gorgas’ check in person to the President of Ecuador. The Department has expressed to the War Department its gratification at the manner in which Colonel Gorgas has fulfilled his mission, and at the fact that he expended less than half of the amount of money set aside by the Government of Ecuador for this purpose.

In presenting the check and accounts to the President you may in your discretion, say that you believe it would have a most favorable effect upon relations between the United States and Ecuador if he would make public the object of your visit and the fact that Colonel Gorgas had returned more than half of the money placed to his credit by the Government of Ecuador.

I am [etc.]

Mr. Bryan
Alvey A. Adee.

Colonel W. C. Gorgas, U. S. A., to the President of Ecuador.

Sir: I herewith enclose accounts in detail covering the expenditure of certain funds furnished by the Ecuadorean Government for the purpose of making certain sanitary surveys at the port of Guayaquil, Ecuador.

The sum turned over to me by the Government of Ecuador was sixteen thousand eight hundred seven and fifty-hundredths sucres (S/16,807.50). Of this sum I expended seven thousand five hundred eight and sixty-hundredths sucres (S/7508.60), which expenditures are covered by enclosed vouchers, leaving a [Page 507] balance of nine thousand two hundred ninety-eight and ninety-hundredths sucres (S/9298.90).

I enclose check No. 678524 on the Banco Comercial y Agríeola, Guayaquil, where the money was originally deposited, for the balance of S/9298.90, in favor of the Treasurer General of the Republic of Ecuador.

Very respectfully,

W. C. Gorgas.