File No. 837.77/106.

The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

Sir: His Majesty’s Minister in Havana informs me that the United States Minister has shewn to him a recent report which he sent to the State Department on the subject of the Caibarién-Nuevitas Railway, which in the opinion of Mr. Leech did not quite accurately set forth the circumstances of the case as understood by him.

Mr. Leech has therefore prepared a report which he has shewn to Mr. Beaupré and a copy of which he has forwarded to me dealing fully with the case.

I have the honour to forward to you a copy1 of this report, which, as you will see, gives a somewhat different account of the situation from that which might have been gathered from Mr. Beauprés despatch.

I have [etc.]

James Bryce.
  1. Not printed.