File No. 837.13/23.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 43.]

Sir: Referring to my telegram of November 19, and the Department’s reply of November 21, in regard to the new Amnesty Bill [Page 365] reported by a joint committee of the Senate and House of Representatives, I have the honor, to enclose herewith, in copy and translation, the text of the bill.1

Yesterday I had a most satisfactory conversation with President Menocal, during a very informal call, regarding this measure.

There was no occasion to remind the President of representations made to a former administration on this subject by the Department. Upon the subject being mentioned he instantly declared his belief that the measure would not pass Congress; he said he was endeavoring to have it killed because he wished Congress thus to dispose of it for the sake of the country’s good name, but that if it passed he would veto it. The President said he had already released all of the “political” prisoners except a handful of men whose general records against law were bad.

I have [etc.]

William E. Gonzales.
  1. Not printed.