File No. 493.11/432.

The Secretary of State to the American Minister.

No. 9.]

Sir: The Department is in receipt of the Legation’s dispatch No. 1035 of October 3, 1913, in regard to the representation of this Government on the Commission for the investigation of claims arising out of the Revolution in China.

The Department approves the course of the Legation in detailing Mr. Peck temporarily, to represent the Legation on the Commission and likewise approves Mr. Peck’s protest against the limitation of time for the presentation of claims to December 31, 1913.

Inasmuch as Mr. Williams, Counsul at Dalny, investigated outrages on Americans in Shensi and is now engaged on American claims at Peking, the Department designates him as permanent representative on that Commission and authorizes the Legation at its discretion to demand an extension of at least six months in the time within which claims may be presented.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
J. W. Folk.