File No. 893.51/1434.

The American Group to the Secretary of State.

Sir: We beg to enclose herewith, for your information and files, copy of letter received today from the International Banking Corporation quoting a cable received from their London office in regard to the repayment of the Treasury bills from the proceeds of the reorganization loan.

Yours very truly,

Willard Straight.

The International Banking Corporation to the Representative of the American Group.

Dear Sir: With reference to our letter of the 4th instant, we beg to advise receipt this morning of the following cable message from our London Office:

Peking advises: “Advise Morgan, Grenfell & Co., London, referring to our telegram of the 4th—‘The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, the Banque de l’Indo-Chine, the Russo-Chinese Bank and the Yokohama Specie Bank, have telegraphed Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, London, all Treasury Bill[s] plus accrued interest to be repaid at once from proceeds reorganization loan.’”

Yours very truly,

H. T. S. Green.