File No. 893.51/1369.

The American Group to the Secretary of State.

Sir: We beg to enclose herewith, for your information, copy of the telegram which we have received today from Messrs. Morgan, Grenfell & Co., in response to our telegram announcing our withdrawal from the negotiations for the reorganization loan, copy of which telegram was transmitted to you with our letter of March 19th. We also beg to enclose copy of our reply to Messrs. Morgan, Grenfell & Company’s telegram of today’s date, together with a copy of the telegram which we have received from Peking in response to our message, copy of which was yesterday forwarded to the Department.

Very truly yours,

Willard Straight.
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[Inclosure 1.]

Morgan, Grenfell & Co. to the American Group.

Reorganization. We have received from C. S. Addis following letter:

I have communicated your letter of March 20th to other members of the six-power consortium, who share regret of the American group at severance of associations and will do their best give effect to desire American group that their withdrawal should be complete. For the American group to relinquish participation in reorganization-loan and currency-loan contracts would not appear to present any great difficulty. As regards sextuple agreement, however, there are no means of releasing any of the signatories until reorganization loan has been issued or abandoned or period of five years has elapsed. It would appear therefore that American group remains bound by provisions sextuple agreement until one or other of these events has taken place, but remaining five groups trust they are correct in assuming that neither American group nor any of its individual members will enter into competition with them for Chinese business during that period.

We have already assured C. S. Addis informally that we are sure it is not intention of American group or its members to enter into competition with their late colleagues in the consortium, but we would be glad to be able to convey to him officially your confirmation of this.

[Inclosure 2—Telegram.]

The American Group to Morgan, Grenfell & Co.

Reorganization. Refer to your telegram of today. Although because of circumstances over which we have no control we have withdrawn a from negotiations for reorganization loan, we shall, like all other parties to sextuple agreement be bound by provisions thereof until the agreement is terminated and we trust that you will at once advise Mr. Addis for communication to other groups that neither American group nor any of its individual members would consider undertaking any Chinese business either directly or indirectly in competition with other parties to sextuple agreement as long as that agreement remains in force.

We should be glad to hear what steps, if any, British, French and German groups desire us to take with regard to currency-loan negotiations. Right of groups issue this loan was extended to April 14th and we assume that unless further extension is requested by us and granted by Chinese Government contract will lapse subject always to repayment of £400,000 advance. We should also like as soon as possible to settle our share of joint expenses account of reorganization and Hukuang loans to date and receive from British, French and German groups their share expenses incurred by us in connection with currency loan.

[Inclosure 3.]

F. H. McKnight to the American Group.

Although not desirable [to] press now for payment Treasury bills, I believe it is very important, in view of unsettled political conditions here, that they be not extended but left overdue and therefore payable any time.