File No. 893.51/1278.
The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Washington, February 5, 1913.
Sir: As you are doubtless aware, the Ministers of the six powers at Peking, at a meeting held, I understand, on February 4th, agreed to [Page 152] submit to their Governments a proposal for the allotment of foreign advisers to the Chinese Government. According to this proposal the director of national loans is to be of German nationality; the chief salt inspector, British; and of the two associated directors of the audit and accounts department one is to be French and the other Russian.
His Majesty’s Government have consented to this arrangement and have so informed His Majesty’s Minister at Peking. I am instructed to express the hope that your Government may also see its way to give its consent and that you may be able to advise the American representative at Peking accordingly at the earliest possible moment. The time for action is very short since I understand that if a decision is not arrived at by the Chinese New Year (February 6) the Chinese Government will be forced to seek financial assistance elsewhere.
I have [etc.]