File No. 823.00/104.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.


A mob yesterday surrounded the house of the President of the Senate and another took possession of the Senate Chamber. The cause is said to be the recognition on July 23 of the credentials of an [Page 1142] anti-administration Senator. The President, Mr. Billinghurst, is said to have inspired both attacks, in an alleged determination to prevent Congress from convening because a majority of each House is against him.

Last night ex-President Leguía telephoned me that his residence had been attacked by a mob for three hours and was defended by only six men. He asked for and was offered asylum at the Legation in protection of innocent human life if he could make his escape. He and his son1 were arrested later, and this morning at 2.30 they were placed in the penitentiary. Two of the mob were killed and several wounded.

Doubt as to the constitutionally of President Billinghurst’s election and his alleged pro-Chilean sympathies have aroused extreme opposition and his deposition by Congress is freely predicted. The Civilista (Leguía) party controls both Houses, and Leguia’s brother,2 who is First Vice President, would succeed to the Presidency.

Both Houses meet to-day preliminary to the regular session on July 28, and trouble is predicted.

  1. Augusto Leguia, Jr.
  2. Roberto Leguia.