File No. 823.032/10.
united states of america.
At the beginning of the present year the American Foreign Office
through its representative here, expressed to our Government its
desire to learn the mind of the Peruvian Government with regard to
the opening of the Panama Canal and the bearing of that work on the
different Peruvian enterprises, as well as our Government’s economic
policy with respect to the Canal and its influence on the
development of our home and foreign trade.
The American Foreign Office also expressed its keen desire to be
furnished with a summary of the projects, both municipal and
national, for the improvement of our ports and harbors as well as
sanitary works.
Our ideas and intentions in this interesting matter were duly
communicated to the American Government.
Our Minister at Washington has already visited San Francisco,
California, with the object of selecting a site for the installation
of our Pavilion at the International Exposition of 1915, which is to
celebrate the termination of the Panama Canal.
In view of the positive interest to the solution of the problem of
national education, which is the subject to be dealt with at the
Congress of School Hygiene to meet at Buffalo in August next, our
Government has accepted the invitation tendered it by the United
States and appointed as its Delegates, Dr. Luis Miró Quesada, a
distinguished Professor of Pedagogy of the University of St. Mark,
and Dr. Francisco Graña, Professor of Hygiene of the Faculty of
In May last the capital was visited by a distinguished and numerous
group of representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Boston who
were received with proper attention and cordiality.
putumayo affair.
The region of the Putumayo which, for reasons it would be sad to
recall, has given cause for comment and exaggerated alarm both at
home and abroad, which have not always been based on facts, has been
the object of continual
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and preferential attention on the part of the Government, with such
success that, thanks to the measures adopted, both judicial and
administrative action are widely felt in our river regions within a
spirit of order, of guaranties, and the tranquillity so peremptorily
In order to obtain the practical and immediate results aimed at by
the various measures taken for the evangelization and civilization
of the tribes of aborigines which are still to be found in a savage
state in that section of our territory, the Government is engaged in
securing for those regions the most appropriate and efficacious
ecclesiastical administration so that the same may be felt in the
most positive manner and in harmony with the national patronage and
the sovereign rights of the Republic.
The Government, in its lively desire to carry out the dictates of
justice, and interested as it is in maintaining the good name of the
Nation, has endeavored at all times to facilitate the prosecution of
the trial which was instituted in consequence of the criminal acts
committed in the rubber regions of the Putumayo, in order that the
punishment of the law shall fall on the guilty parties. For that
purpose the Government has given to the judicial functionaries all
the guaranties necessary for the accomplishment of their duties and
at the same time has appointed to hold the public offices men of
fitting, honest and energetic character who shall consolidate a
régime of morality and the supremacy of the law in that part of our
The result so far obtained is completely satisfactory as proved by
the rapid and effective action of justice and the public
tranquillity which reigns in those districts.
Alarm and uneasiness have therefore disappeared which might affect
the prestige of the Nation with regard to the crimes of a purely
individual character perpetrated in former years which have given to
the foreign press a theme on which to deal harshly with Peru,
without bearing in mind events which have recently happened in
regions which are much nearer to the centers of civilization.
peru-ecuador boundary dispute.
The questions at issue in connection with the Peru-Ecuador
boundary1 have been taken up by the two
Governments at some length and in a spirit of the greatest
cordiality. The Government of Peru is in accord with the suggestion
made by the Mediatory Powers in 1910, that the question be brought
before The Hague for settlement A bulletin issued by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs deals at considerable length with the results of the
various conferences, as well as with the deplorable happenings on
the Morona river.