File No. 819.55/4.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Panama, April 18, 1913.
Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 359 of March 16, and to my despatch No. 385 of March 27, I have the honor to enclose herewith [Page 1110] a clipping from the Gaceta Oficial of the 1st instant, concerning the text of this bill as finally passed by the Assembly (Law 50 of 1913).1 I also enclose a statement1 showing the modifications presented by this law from the bill as originally introduced.
From this statement it will be noted that the principal modifications are: The omission of the permission to introduce Chinese agricultural laborers.; the substantial reduction, from $25 (United States currency) to $3 of the value of the stamps to be supplied by Chinese proving a domicile in Panama, prior to Law 6 of 1904, in order to obtain re-registration; and the substantial reduction of the tax imposed upon the associations of the foreigners mentioned in this law in the provinces of the Republic. The religious and benevolent associations are to be wholly exempted from this tax instead of being subject to the payment of a tax of $50 according to the original bill. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce will be exempted from this tax as a benevolent association.
I am [etc.]