File No. 419.11D29/45.
The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.
Washington, September 9, 1913.
Sir: The Department has received your No. 498 of the 11th ultimo, You will state to the Foreign Office, in relation to the investigation of the disturbances which took place at Coco Grove on July 4, 1912, that the United States Government has exercised a great amount of patience in regard to this affair, but that the long and apparently needless delay which has occurred in the pursuit of the investigation by the Panaman Government has served to arouse suspicions that it is not conducting this investigation with any degree of earnestness. The United States Government has, therefore, to request that a report of such investigation as has been made be immediately transmitted to the Legation together with a statement showing what action the Government of Panama proposes to take with relation to all features of the case, including the indemnity which is clue to various American citizens who received injuries during the affair mentioned.
I am [etc.]