File No. 619.11212/12½.
Declaration of the Secretary of State.
The undersigned, W. J. Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States of America, duly authorized thereto, in virtue of a reciprocal Declaration made by J. E. Lefevre Chargé d’Affaires of the Republic of Panama at Washington, does hereby declare that from and after June 1, 1913, and until the expiration of one month after the date on which either the United States of America or the Republic of Panama shall give notice of the withdrawal of said Declaration, the consuls of the Republic of Panama in the United States of America shall be permitted to take note in person, or through their authorized representatives, of the declaration made by shippers before the American customs officers in which they state the value of the merchandise exported to the Republic of Panama. The consuls of the Republic of Panama shall be given certified copies of the said declarations when requested by them.
Secretary of State of the United States.
Washington , April 17, 1913.