File No. 817.51/585.

Brown Brothers & Co. and Seligman & Co. to the Secretary of State.

Sir: Replying to yours of the 6th instant1 enclosing carbon copy of a letter addressed by you to Señor Pedro Rafael Cuadra, Minister of Finance of Nicaragua, we beg to say that at the signing today of the contracts between the Republic and ourselves, Mr. Cuadra was unwilling to have the suggested provision incorporated.

We have, however, a letter from Mr. Cuadra, of which we enclose a copy herewith, in which he states that he will have a conference with you on this subject in a few days and that meanwhile the amount to be deposited with us for account of Nicaragua will not be drawn against by Nicaragua below $400,000 pending adjustment of this matter with you. May we ask you to advise us of any adjustment which may be so made?

Very respectfully yours,

Brown Brothers & Co.
J. & W. Seligman & Co.

The Minister of Finance of Nicaragua to Brown Brothers & Co. and J. W. Seligman & Co.

Gentlemen: I am in receipt of a letter from the Secretary of State under date of the 6th instant in which he suggests that a provision be inserted into the General Loan Contract which will provide for the setting apart of $400,000 of the loan for the account of the “Mixed Claims Commission,” and in this connection I take note of the fact that you have a communication from the Secretary of the same date, in which he sends you copy of his letter to me. I regret that I cannot consent to the incorporation of such provision in the contract. When this suggestion was made at an early stage of these negotiations I then objected to it on a number of grounds then stated, all of which I repeated to Mr. Bryan, and then an understanding was arrived at between us to the effect that while such provision should be omitted from the contract, the subject matter of the Mixed Claims Commission would be arranged on a basis as to amount and method of payment that would be satisfactory to the Secretary of State at Washington, and I propose in perfect good faith to do this, and to that end I will have a conference with Mr. Bryan in a few days, and meanwhile let me say that the amount to be deposited with you for the account of Nicaragua will not be drawn against by Nicaragua or by me on behalf of Nicaragua below $400,000 pending adjustment of this matter with the Department of State. When the matter is adjusted you will of course be informed of it.

I remain [etc.]

Pedro Raf. Cuadra.
  1. The first of the four letters of that date.