File No. 817.812/55.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 32.]

Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy and translation of a note from the Government of Colombia to that of Nicaragua in which the former protests against Article II of the treaty recently entered into between the United States and Nicaragua whereby is provided a lease to the United States of Great Corn Island and Little Corn Island in the Caribbean Sea.

The Nicaraguan Minister for Foreign Affairs has promised me a copy of his reply as soon as it shall have been prepared.

I have [etc.]

Benjamin L. Jefferson.
[Page 1032]

The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Colombia to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua.

Mr. Minister: The Government of Colombia has become acquainted with article 2 of the treaty concluded between Nicaragua and the United States of America. This treaty has been published in various organs of the press of North and South America.

By virtue of the article referred to Nicaragua gives in leasehold to the United States of America the islands in the Caribbean Sea known as Great Corn and Little Corn Islands, over which Colombia has the right of sovereignty by incontestable titles to which my Government has on more than one occasion called the attention of the illustrious Government of Nicaragua, as also has it protested against the usurpation consummated in the islands in question.

The terms of the aforesaid Article 2 of the treaty between Nicaragua and the United States oblige my Government again to enter formal protest against the ignoring of the right of sovereignty of Colombia, and to reiterate the exceptions taken in various notes addressed by my honorable predecessors in this Ministry to the Government of Nicaragua.

The Minister of Colombia at Washington has received instructions to protest formally in the premises to the Department of State of the United States of America.

I avail [etc.].

Feancisco José Urrutia.