File No. 711.13/18.
The Secretary of State to the American Minister to Salvador.
Washington, August 5, 1913.
Sir: The Department has received and read with interest your despatch No. 315 of July 12, 1913.1
You report a conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Salvador in the course of which he, at the instance of President Melendez, requested you to inform the Department that while it was true that there exists among the masses throughout the Republic of Salvador a sentiment hostile to the acquisition by the Government of the United States of a naval base on the Bay of Fonseca, the Government of Salvador was watching the situation and would not permit such feelings of hostility to assume proportions which it would be unable to repress, and adding that President Meléndez wished you to assure the Department that the Government of Salvador is not only prepared but also willing to give to Americans residing in that Republic every protection for their property as well as for their lives in the event of a hostile demonstration against the interests which the American Government desired to acquire on the Bay of Fonseca.
Your telegram of July 29,1 which was received prior to your No. 315, contains more reassuring information as to the situation, and the Department has not failed to note the assurances of President Meléndez reported in the telegram and the despatch under acknowledgment, that he will not permit the commission by the populace of untoward acts against American life and property. You will on an appropriate occasion, express to His Excellency this Government’s gratification at these assurances.
I am [etc.]