File No. 711.1215/474.

The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.


281. A note from the Foreign Office just received states in substance:

Concerning questions growing out of the Chamizal arbitral award, the Mexican Government has always shown its disposition to enter into equitable negotiations in accordance with the views of the United States.

The failure of the United States to recognize Emilio Rabasa as Ambassador at Washington, and the unusual relations existing between the two Governments—preventing further negotiations on a matter originating at Washington and which should be continued there, and causing the Mexican Foreign Office to confine its dealings with the United States to urgent and routine business—make it indispensable that the Chamizal question should be treated from a new point of view.

The provisions of Article 8 of the Chamizal arbitral convention dated June 24, 1910, and its additional protocol, fix June 15, 1913, as the date for the execution of the award. Considering that its practical execution requires the cooperation of the two Governments, Mexico submits this point to the United States, reserving all of its rights to the portion of the Chamizal covered by the award and maintaining that its failure to execute the award on the date fixed shall not be argued in the future as detrimental to Mexico.

Henry Lane Wilson.