File No. 711.1215/406.

The Mexican Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

No. 959.]

Excellency: In compliance with special instructions received by me from the Department of Foreign Relations, I have the honor to say to your excellency that in view of the information contained in note No. 90 of the 22nd of December, 1911, from the Department under your worthy charge, the accompaniments thereto, and other information subsequently received, the Government of Mexico is of opinion that there was no violation of the conditions of the existing status quo in the recent ejection by Marshall Hillebrand of occupants of land in Chamizal intended for the Pearson establishments, and the formal desire of the Department of State to comply strictly with the said status quo agreed to by the two countries is acknowledged with satisfaction.

I take [etc.]

Gilberto Crespo y Martínez.