File No. 312.93/32.

The American Vice Consul at Nogales to the Secretary of State.


At request of Chinese colony here Department is advised that a Chinaman named Wong Wing Giat, whose Mexican name was Ramon Wong, was shot and killed yesterday at his store in Nogales by a Mexican soldier. There seems to have been no provocation for the killing, the Chinese informing me that the soldier killed Wong after a dispute over the price of cigarettes. Under Department’s instructions of May 3 I brought this murder to the attention of Governor Pesqueira at Hermosillo unofficially and informally requesting him to order an immediate investigation with a view to the punishment of the murderer. Local Chinese request that this information be conveyed to the Chinese Legation at Washington to the end that he take some action to secure protection for them here and at Cananea where oppression of Chinese is increasing.


Note.—The above telegram was communicated to the Chinese Legation on June 27, but no further correspondence on the subject appears to be of record.