File No. 312.52/94b.

The Acting Secretary of State to George C. Carothers, American Consular Agent.


The Department has received from various sources information that Villa refused to permit the wives and children of refugees to leave Chihuahua; that coal has been taken from the American Smelting and Refining Company and from the Chihuahua Mining Company; that Victor Hector, an American citizen, was compelled to pay six thousand pesos; that the German colony feels great uneasiness lest confiscatory measures similar to those used against Spaniards be applied to them, and that Japanese are also fearful of expulsion and confiscation of their property.

Discreetly ascertain from Villa all possible details of the subjects mentioned. Represent to him that the world is watching with intense interest his every move and that his treatment of the Spaniards [Page 910] has already provoked much comment unfavorable to the cause of the Constitutionalists. Urge upon him the advisability of relieving this situation by permitting departure of all who desire to leave, and of making a declaration that protection will be afforded to all foreigners and their property.

J. B. Moore.