File No. 312.52/63.
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Consular Officers in Mexico.1
No. 51.]
Department of State,
Washington, December 18, 1913.
Washington, December 18, 1913.
Gentlemen: In compliance with a request from the Spanish Embassy at this capital, you are instructed to extend all possible and proper protection to the lives and properties of Spanish subjects in your district during the continuance of the present revolutionary disturbances in Mexico. This also applies to all other foreign subjects within your district.
I am [etc.]
For the Acting Secretary of State:
Alvey A. Adee.
- Sent to the Consul General at Monterey, and to the Consuls at Vera Cruz, Tampico, Matamoros, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Porfirio Díaz, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Hermosillo, Mazatlan, Durango, San Luis Potosi and Saltillo; and on the 24th to Acapulco.↩