File No. 312.52/77.
The Counselor of the Department of State to the Spanish Ambassador.
Washington, December 13, 1913.
Dear Mr. Ambassador: Referring to your two notes of yesterday concerning the order which the Constitutionalist General Francisco Villa is reported to have issued requiring the Spanish residents of the State of Chihuahua numbering four hundred to leave the State in ten days and abandon their property on pain of death in case the order should not be obeyed, I hasten to inform you that the Department immediately telegraphed to the American Consul at Chihuahua to seek an interview with Villa and to make suitable representations to him on the subject. The Consul is instructed to report the result by telegraph. The Department, duly appreciating the gravity of the situation, will spare no effort to secure protection for your countrymen and will keep you advised of what takes place.
Believe me [etc.]