File No. 312.52/79.
The Secretary of State to George C. Carothers, American Special Consular Agent.
Washington, December 9, 1913.
Sir: The Department is in receipt of a telegram from the American Consul at Chihuahua, Mexico, dated November 30, in which he states that the Federals have evacuated the City of Chihuahua. It is the understanding of the Department that the Constitutionalist forces have already occupied Chihuahua. There seems to be considerable uneasiness in certain quarters as to the safety of Americans and other foreigners.
Under date of December 1st, Consul Edwards at Juárez telegraphed that General Villa was disposed to give full protection to all foreigners who have been neutral in the political affairs of Mexico, but that those who are known to have contributed to and are in sympathy with the Huerta Government will be subject to having their property confiscated when found. He also states that foreigners who have sympathized with the Huerta Government are in no danger of their lives and liberty.
On account of the unsettled conditions in that section of Mexico, the Department believes it would be advisable for you to make a trip into the State of Chihuahua with a view of conferring with General Villa and other leaders, for the purpose of insuring, in so far as may be possible, the lives and property of Americans and other foreigners.
If your affairs are in such shape that you can leave immediately, you may draw on the Department for necessary expenses, telegraphing when you leave, the port of entry into Mexico, and such data as will enable the Department to aid you in making this trip expeditiously.
I am [etc.]