File No. 812.00/9170.


542.1 On September 23 Belisario Dominguez delivered anti-Huerta speech in the Senate.2 Dominguez has disappeared. Common rumor reports him dead. Government denies all knowledge. Yesterday the Chamber of Deputies passed resolutions (see my October 10, 10 p.m.) This afternoon Minister of Gobernación appeared in Chamber and demanded the reconsideration of these resolutions. The president of the Chamber merely rose and adjourned the same, whereupon 110 deputies were arrested and sent to the penitentiary. President’s secretary informs me that Congress is dissolved, because it has become an impediment to the establishment of peace. General Huerta yesterday told me most insistently that the elections would take place.

Nelson O’Shaughnessy.
  1. Same number as that of the preceding telegram.
  2. But see Mr. O’Shaughnessy’s No. 2100 of Oct. 20, post, where the speech is mentioned as not delivered but only spread on the record.