File No. 812.00/9534.

The American Minister to Uruguay to the Secretary of State.

No. 472.]

Sir: I have the honor to report that at the weekly reception at the Foreign Office yesterday, Doctor Barbaroux, the Minister for Foreign Relations, in expressing the hope that conditions would improve in Mexico and become permanently settled upon the foundation of justice and popular government, referred to the message delivered by President Wilson in the Congress of the United States on August 27th, 1913, and stated that President Batlle y Ordonez had read the message in its entirety and that he was greatly impressed with its broad spirit of justice and the frank and generous character of its sentiments and purposes. The statement, evidently, was made at the request of the President.

[Page 832]

In this connection I have the honor to enclose, in duplicate, a translation of a paragraph occurring in another London Letter to the Diario del Plata of this city.

I have [etc.]

Nicolay A. Grevstad.


From the Diario del Plata, Montevideo, September 18, 1913.

Fortunately Pan-Americanism, American solidarity, an ideal of a higher civilization, has commenced to make itself known through Mr. Wilson. In the future the Latin-American nations, so often plundered and oppressed by arbitrary tyrants, will know to whom they should appeal in their protests against unconstitutional despotism.