84. Memorandum for the Record, February 271

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  • NCS Meeting, 27 February 1962

1. For testing:

Rusk, McNamara, Gilpatric, Lemnitzer, Foster, Seaborg, VP.

2. Against:

Stevenson, Moral and political factors. Equality favors disarmament. Peace package.

3. For March shot:

Foster, VP.

4. Against March shot:

Rusk, Seaborg (marginal), HA (marginal; picture)

5. USSR acceptance of ban treaty.

a. Stop: Rusk, McNamara, Gilpatric, Foster.

b. Continue: Lemnitzer.

c. Revise treaty: Dean.

6. Timing considered.

a. Minimum delay after announcement: Murrow.

b. Announce intention, then wait several weeks to see effect at Geneva.

  1. Status of interest on testing, March shot, and U.S.S.R. acceptance of test ban treaty by NSC meeting participants. Secret. 1 p. National Defense University, Taylor Papers.