84. Memorandum for the Record, February 271
February 27, 1962
- NCS Meeting, 27 February 1962
1. For testing:
Rusk, McNamara, Gilpatric, Lemnitzer, Foster, Seaborg, VP.
2. Against:
Stevenson, Moral and political factors. Equality favors disarmament. Peace package.
3. For March shot:
Foster, VP.
4. Against March shot:
Rusk, Seaborg (marginal), HA (marginal; picture)
5. USSR acceptance of ban treaty.
a. Stop: Rusk, McNamara, Gilpatric, Foster.
b. Continue: Lemnitzer.
c. Revise treaty: Dean.
6. Timing considered.
a. Minimum delay after announcement: Murrow.
b. Announce intention, then wait several weeks to see effect at Geneva.
- Status of interest on testing, March shot, and U.S.S.R. acceptance of test ban treaty by NSC meeting participants. Secret. 1 p. National Defense University, Taylor Papers.↩