April 1963
175. Memorandum for the Record, April 4
Readout of meeting with President: Chinese nuclear capability, supersonic plane issues, nuclear test ban concerns, French bilateral relations, economic issues, European security issues, and U–2 shoot down contingency plans. Secret. 2 pp. CIA Files, Job 80B01285A, McCone Files, Meetings with President, 4/1/63–6/30/63.
176. Notes on Telephone Conversation between Rusk and Bundy, April 11
Test ban negotiations: Soviet and French concerns. No classification marking. 1 p. Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telephone Conversations.
177. Notes on Telephone Conversation between Rusk and Bundy, April 11
Discussion of response to Macmillan on non-diffusion issue with the Soviets. No classification marking. 1 p. Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telephone Conversations.
178. Memorandum of Conversation, April 12, between Rusk and Dobrynin
Nuclear non-proliferation issues. Secret. An attached copy of the draft non-transfer declaration with an appended minute provides additional information on the declaration. Confidential. 10 pp. Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 65 D 330.
179. Note from Smith to Rusk, April 13
Transmits copy of April 13 message from Macmillan to Kennedy conveying Macmillan’s suggested changes in proposed letters to Khrushchev. Appended to Macmillan’s message is the redraft of paragraph 6. Top Secret. 5 pp. Department of State, Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204, Macmillan–Kennedy, 1963.
180. Memorandum of Conversation, April 17, among members of Committee of Principals
Nuclear test ban treaty issues. Secret. 9 pp. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, ACDA, Disarmament, Committee of Principals, 3/61–11/63.
181. Actions Taken at Committee of Principals Meeting, April 17
Decisions made on explosions for peaceful uses and on tabling the draft treaty at Geneva. Secret. 2 pp. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Departments and Agencies Series, ACDA, Disarmament, Committee of Principals, 3/61–11/63.
182. Memorandum from Gould to the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Atomic Energy), April 19
Report of the Foreign Weapons Evaluation Group. Two attachments provide a copy of the February 15 report and an amendment to the report, dated March 8. Top Secret. 11 pp. Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD/OATSD (AE) Files: FRC 69 A 2243, 99 USP, USSR Weapons Evaluation (Bethe).
183. Telegram 2720 from Moscow, April 24
Meeting with Khrushchev: agriculture, Kennedy–Macmillan letters, issues related to securing a nuclear test ban agreement. Secret. 10 pp. Department of State, Central Files, POL UK–USSR.
184. Telegram 2727 from Moscow, April 25
Amendments to Moscow telegram 2720 on conversation with Khrushchev. Secret. 1 p. Department of State, Central Files, POL UK–USSR.