212. Telephone Conversation between Bundy and Kaysen, July 251

[Facsimile Page 1]

Bundy repeating: In the case of unrecognized regimes anybody in this category may deposit with any one depository which in turn may send to the others if the others accept the binding accession. But nobody is bound to accept the notification that a deposit has been made. But if there is non-acceptance then the obligation between the depositor government or regimes is not clearly made valid.

Kaysen: Now in the case of . . .

Bundy: Wait a minute. Are you still reading?

Kaysen: Yes. Essentially I am paraphrasing—In the case of such a refusal there will be no further comment by the depositor or by any other party. It is the nature of the understanding—(Do you hear me?)

Bundy: Yes.

Kaysen: —that Harriman is perfectly free. The English language of the text explains this understanding (garbled).

Bundy repeating: It is the nature of the understanding that Harriman will use it to defend it.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: Hold the line. Is that the whole shooting match on that.

Kaysen: That is the whole shooting match. There are two other things.

Bundy: Wait a moment. Have you done anything on 320?

Kaysen: Yes. (garble) There is no problem on that.

Bundy: You think that will be O.K.?

Kaysen: Yes.

Bundy: They are not going to fight on it?

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: If you will hold the line I will clear this now.

Kaysen: The third point, Mac, is that we are ready to go tonight (garble)

Bundy: Are you still talking?

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Kaysen: Yes. I said if you will clear this, we are prepared to go tonight (garble)

Bundy: Please hold the line.

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Kaysen: I will hold.

Bundy: Go ahead.

Kaysen: O.K.

Bundy: Now what are your times?

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: At 10:00. When will you make the text available to press for filing?

Kaysen: (garbled)

Bundy: Yes. But when will you actually hand them over. Pierre needs to know.

Kaysen: As soon as we can (garble)

Bundy: O.K. We will do the same here. Embargo it for 10:00 Moscow time.

Kaysen: Right.

Bundy: Just a minute.


Bundy: It doesn’t affect recognization.

Kaysen: That’s right.

Bundy: So that we could accept an unrecognized state with no change.

Kaysen: That’s right.

Bundy: Correct.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: That’s alright.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: When are you coming back?

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: He has one more task. We know.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: We are sending you a jet.

Kaysen: [illegible in the original]

[Facsimile Page 3]

Bundy: Saturday [illegible in the original] but right after that.

Kaysen: Yes, definitely Saturday. Averill says. . . . . .

Bundy: What we want you . . . I think the President wants Averill at Hyannisport Sunday.

Kaysen: Yes. Perhaps I might go along, Mac.

[Typeset Page 614]

Bundy: Good.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: How are you?

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: What?

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: Alright.

Kaysen: (garble)

Bundy: Great work.

  1. Guidance on issue of unrecognized regimes depositing instruments of ratification, timing of acceptance of agreement, and return travel plans. No classification marking. 3 pp. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Kaysen Series, Disarmament, Harriman Mission, Records/Action.