IV. The second session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, second part, Paris, June 15–July 12, 1946
[170] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Nineteenth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 15, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[171] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Nineteenth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 15, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[172] The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State, at Paris
740.00119 Council/6–1546: Telegram
[173] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received June 16—1:52 a.m.]
740.00119 Control (Bulgaria)/6–1546: Telegram
[174] The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received June 15—10:15 a.m.]
751.61/6–1546: Telegram
[175] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twentieth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 17, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[176] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twentieth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 17, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[177] The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the United States Delegation at the Council of Foreign Ministers in Paris
Moscow Embassy Files: Telegram37
[178] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-First Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 18, 1946, 3:30 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[179] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-First Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 18, 1946, 3:30 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[180] The Egyptian Minister (Hassan) to the Acting Secretary of State
740.0011 EW (Peace)/60–1846
[181] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Second Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 19, 1946, 3 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[182] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Second Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 19, 1946, 3 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[183] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Third Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 20, 1946, 11 a.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[184] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Third Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 20, 1946, 11 a.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[185] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Tenth Informal Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 20, 1946, 5 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[186] Report of the Committee on the Hydro-Electric Aspects of the Austrian Claim for a Minor Rectification of the Austro-Italian Frontier in Alto-Adige
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2061: CFM Documents
[187] The Italian Prime Minister (De Gasperi) to the Secretary of State
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2111: Delegation Memos
[188] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Eleventh Informal Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 21, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[189] Memorandum of Conversation
C.F.M. Flies: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[191] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twelfth Informal Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 22, 1946, 4 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[192] The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Acting Secretary of State
[Received June 22—11:47 a.m.]
740.00119 Council/6–2246: Telegram
[193] The Italian Ambassador (Tarchiani) to President Truman
740.00119 EW/6–2246: Telegram
[194] Report of the Committee of Naval Experts on the Draft Peace Treaty With Italy
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2061: CFM Documents
[195] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Fourth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 24, 1946, 11:30 a.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[196] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Fourth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 24, 1946, 11:30 a.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
[197] Memorandum of Conversation
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[198] United States Delegation Record, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Fifth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 24, 1946, 5 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: US Delegation Minutes
[199] Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Fifth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 24, 1946, 5 p.m.
C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision
- Moscow Embassy 1946 Files, Lot F–96, Acc. No. 59 A 543, Part VI, Box 367, File—500 Foreign Ministers Meetings—Paris.↩