Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

Prime Minister Churchill to President Roosevelt1


Former Naval Person to President most secret and personal. Number 310.

This is what I propose to send to Joe. I should be very glad to know what you think of it before it goes. You will no doubt send your own message, which I should also like to see. Begins:

“I have received a copy of your telegram of about June 11 to the President. …

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“At the end of your message you complain that Russia has not been consulted in our recent decisions. I fully understand the reasons which prevented you from meeting the President and me at Khartoum, whither we would have gone in January, and I am sure you were right not to relinquish even for a week the direction of your immense and victorious campaign. Nevertheless, the need and advantages of a meeting are very great. I can only say that I will go at any risk to any place that you and the President may agree upon. I personally believe that Scapa Flow, our main naval harbour in the North of Scotland, would be the most convenient, the safest and, if desired, the most secret. I have again suggested this to the President. If you could come there by air at any time in the summer you may be sure that every arrangement would be made to suit your wishes, and you would have a most hearty welcome from your British and American comrades.”

  1. Channel of transmission not indicated.