Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the President1


(Secret for the President from Hull)

My 292320.2 In further appraising the situation in West Africa, where I may find it necessary to spend ten days or two weeks in awaiting your arrival for a conference I find that one is definitely exposed in that area to such diseases as malaria, dysentery, etc and that I can ill afford to contract any of these diseases, I have had no vaccinations or immunizations. For same reasons flight to Dakar and Natal to bring me to Washington earlier seems unwise. Four members crew contracted malignant malaria on way here and will be unable to return. I am wondering whether you could work out your schedule to remain in Washington until about the eleventh on which date I would plan to reach there. Please wire me at Teheran and Cairo. I am assuming too that Harriman, General Deane and Bohlen will join your Conference.

  1. Sent to Washington by the United States Naval Attaché Moscow, via Navy channels, and forwarded by the White House Map Room to Roosevelt at Hyde Park.
  2. Telegram of October 29, 1943, supra.