
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)

Memorandum of Conversation

Subject: Aviation Policy

Participants: The President
Senator Bennett Champ Clark
Mr. L. Welch Pogue, Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board
Mr. A. A. Berle, Jr.

The President asked Senator Clark, Mr. Pogue, and myself to meet him at the White House at 12:30 on June 9, which we did. After some general conversation largely relating to political conditions, the President raised the question of aviation policy.…

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The President said that he had discussed this matter a little with Stalin at Tehran in the general sense that Soviet planes desiring to fly over American territory ought to have the right to land and refuel, though not to take on and discharge passengers or cargo; we would want equivalent rights in the Soviet Union. Stalin thought something could be worked out.1

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A. A. B[erle, Jr.]
  1. There appears to be no direct reference to such a discussion in the available records of the Tehran Conference. For an additional reference, however, see, p. 860.